Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Lesser of Two Evils?

The uprisings against the governments were mainly due to fears of corruption and dictatorship. Their cause is quite noble, revolting in the name of democracy, freedom, and human rights. The Middle East wants to now move closer to a democracy, but the question is will they be able to do it? For example, they successfully brought down Hosni Mubarak, but who will take his place? So far the likelihood of his replacement is Muslim Brotherhood. Do you think they will be able to establish a real democracy in Egypt, or will they just bring up another theocracy to the Middle East? So they had a leader who is a tyrant, this is exactly what most of the Arabs leaders are, tyrants. However, this tyrant was able to get his people out of war by signing a peace treaty with his neighbor. Muslim brotherhood will most likely just break this treaty, and head into another war with Israel, which will end up sinking the country in their own Egyptian blood. The Arabs need a government that will protect their people, one that will put their people’s self interest at the first priority. By all means, take down Mubarak, and if the allegations of his theft and abuse of power is true, arrest him for life. But however, please replace him with someone that will put the country in better shape. As they say, if you can’t find anyone good, stick with the one that’s the lesser of two evils. And this isn’t just for Egypt, it’s for all Arab and Islamic countries that are going through this phase of revolution. If they want to replace their leaders, then do so, but if they wish for a real democracy, they should avoid placing religious leaders or groups in position of power. We do not need any more radical Islamic countries in the Middle East. And besides, wasn’t this “Western Democracy” cursed upon, called corrupt and immoral, and looked at with disgust by those exact same people protesting right now? Let’s be honest, those people who America is spending billions on, sending its troops to fight and risk their lives for never really liked America, or to put it better, the Middle East in general had a negative view of America. If America, God forbid, ever did have a disaster, how many Middle Eastern countries do you think will rush to your aid? The Middle East wants democracy? Let them have it, but I just don’t have enough faith that they will establish a true democracy. The people in the Middle East are culturally, socially, and morally different than the west. They have a different set of ethics and moral codes, and are used to living in a stricter society, you cannot throw a full democracy at them and give them all their freedoms at once and expect them to cope well with it. What they need is a transition state, I wish them all well, and a true democracy, and I wish those cruel tyrants the punishments they deserve.

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